Manna | 21| They/He Pronouns

Certified Lore Gremlin | Theatre Bitch | Aspiring writer and Photographer


I go by Manna and use they/he pronouns! I got back into writing recently and currently do freelance writing and theatre work.


If you have any burning questions you think I can answer or wanna ask for my help with a project go ahead and DM me on twitter.


  • Respect the pronouns

  • Don't make sexual comments towards me

  • Don't randomly DM unless we've already talked or you have a question

  • Don't continuously message me if I don't respond as I do mostly forget to change status to offline and won't see it.

  • If you use any of my writing as inspiration or use any prompts of mine you find, please ask first and give credit

I reserve the right to block you if you push these boundaries. Do not test me.


I've made a few prompt generators for writing and drawing and you can find them all here!

(they don't look fancy but they work)